Monday, February 9, 2009

Just a couple more photos

I just had to show you the moon tonight. I normally wouldn't have seen it but Mike was outside and told me to bring the camera. ---A few people have asked me how I got the moon and not just a white circle. I put my camera on manual and set my speed to at least 125. This one is 1/200 at F6.3. This one is still a little dark. Remember, the moon is bright like the sun so you need a faster speed.---

This is one of the hibiscus in the back yard.

Last one I promise!! I finally got a good photo so I can rest easy now.


MaryO said...

I haven't gotten a good moon shot like that yet. Guess I'll just have to try harder! Good one, Carla!

Jacque Uetz said...

Wow Carla you are really good with your camera..

Serena Lewis said...

Fabulous group of pics, Carla! I appreciate your advice re. the moon shot settings as I have no clue about using manual mode.

vivian said...

wow! great shots. Ive tried to take moon photos.. but they never come out! I want one of those little birds! how pretty he is!

sandy said...

ohhhh great photos of the bird. Beautiful!! and the moon. You and Linda have a very similar post today.

And how interesting that so many of us have husbands named Mike.

Nanette Merrill said...

Those are fabulous pictures. I skill I do not have. But appreciate. Love love love the moon pic. It really is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I am going to try another moon shot with your tips, I haven't done any manual photo taking yet. Glad you got the shot of the bird!!

Shashi Nayagam said...

Oh wow Carla that moon is gorgeous. You are an awesome photographer. I love hibiscus flowers. They come in such gorgeous colours.

Linda Fleming said...

Love that frilly hibiscus bloom! What variety is it?

The bird and moon shots are gorgeous- nice work!

Maggie R said...

Hi Carla,
Your photo skills are awesome!!!
That flowers is so beautiful. and the moon and the bird!!!!

Dionne said...

Those are fabulous pictures. That bird is beautiful! I can't believe you have such beautiful birds in the wild!