Sunday, March 15, 2009

Photo Monday (edited)

edit: A few people have wished they had photo editing software. Well, here are a couple of free online places that I have used and really like. AND

It's almost Monday. Only another hour so I think I get a head start.
First, this Great Blue Heron. This photo was taken June 26, 2007. What I think he is doing is sunbathing. Birds do that to kill mites and lice. What's really funny is to watch them take a sand bath.


One of my most favorite snacks. Mmmmmm Only one problem though. Those messy fingers.



This is called a Dotee Doll. I'm hooked. This is my first one. Hand sewn and beaded. My first time for beading. It also has embroidered face. It's 6 inches. I have 2 more waiting for beads now. I can see give-aways in my future.



BumbleVee said...

Carla, your little "Dotee" is really cute. Are you doing the swap over on Doll Street? Think I'll have to pass this time because I have a few other things on the go...

I will have to eventually make one or two though...I sure have seen a lot of them around....

Unknown said...

Love the shot of the Heron. I have never seen one that close up. Love Dotee Doll too. Beading can be really fun.

vivian said...

what an awesome picture of that Heron! You do take some wonderful pictures Carla!
have a great week!

Norma Soulet (AZArtist) said...

Love the picture of the Heron.
Your Dotee doll is so cute.

whimsymoon said...

Your dotee is so cute Carla! I can't wait to make one! They look like fun!

Lisalou said...

Great pictures! Love the doll! Too cute!

Serena Lewis said...

I love the shot of the heron and interesting info too.

Your little Dotee doll is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Very cute little doll, love it! I love cheetos too and yeah your fingers can stay that way for a long time before it goes away (:
The Heron photo is gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Carla, Your photo of the peir is stunning! Your talent never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for the information about the pelican. It's like having Jack Hanna for a friend! Have a great week! Elizabeth

sandy said...

Gosh this is adorable.....! That looks like a lot work.

HElen said...

What a wonderful photo of Heron!
Love your cutie Dotty doll!

Unknown said...

How cute is this???? VERY CUTE!!! I love her.. she is amazing ;)

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Very cute Carla!! I love anything flaming hot!!!

Shashi Nayagam said...

Love the heron shot beautiful.
Your Dotee doll is cute.

JudiA said...

Last week I never heard of dottees, and this week they are everywhere -- kinda eerie actually, LOL. I would NEVER have believed that this is your first beaded project. Well done.

Mike Fleming said...

Fantastic shot of the Great Blue Heron, Carla.