....is done! Well, not quite. It still has to be quilted and I don't know how so I'm going to find someone to do it for me. Sure hope it isn't expensive! The quilt measures 44x37. I did one quilt a few years ago and it could have entered the world's worst quilt contest. I'm really happy this one turned out half way decent. A couple corners didn't miter that well but I couldn't find any decent directions so I did it my way.
I had some bad feelings going on with my daughter and her pregnancy so I had my oldest, Rhonda, call Theresa to see if everything is ok. Anna Grace will be introduced to the world on April 20th! Tree (Theresa's nickname) will have C-section. How how I wish I could see her. Well, I'm sure Anna Grace will be a beautiful baby. Anna will make the 4th for April birthday. Mine is 12th, Theresa is 13th, Theresa's daughter Paige is 17th and now Anna, the 20th. LOL Lots of Aries.
Here is the quilt. Not your typical baby colors but I guess this is the nursery colors.